Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Still at it, emotions and all..

Ok...Eating Clean...I'm still at it. LOL

The last several days have been very stressful and low and behold, I have not binged and have been able to successfully keep from my favorite past time which is, emotional eating.

Having moved on to Cooler 2 because I felt that Cooler 1 was too restrictive (no nuts etc.) I am now more hungry than I was on Cooler 1. I wonder if the brown rice makes me hungry...I hope it's not the fruit because I'm really enjoying fruit. I was so hungry today that I had to include a Larabar with my dinner...tisk tisk...

I have been working out. Today was my rest day but tomorrow at 3:45 am the alarm will go off , summoning my sleepy drive to the gym.

Ok, I'm tired...I gotta go to bed

1 comment:

  1. You rock Nancy! keep it up.
    I am half way through cooler 1 and like you looking to pop to cooler 2 next week. More then seven days of pure sweet taters is unbearable. But successful. Your amazing, keep changing.
